Sunday, 8 May 2016

Using Task Scheduler to automate PowerShell Scripts

Today I am Providing the way to run PowerShell scripts using Windows Scheduler.

Windows Task Scheduler allows you to schedule PowerShell scripts to accomplish a wide variety of commands on the scheduled time that best fits your needs.

1.    Open Task Scheduler and create a new task. Give it a Name and set your security options as per your requiredments.  Check "Run with highest privileges" as our most scripts need to run as admin.  If you want this script to run without logging in to system, enable the 'Run whether user is logged on or not' radio button.

2.    Click on the Triggers tab and set your schedule or event that will trigger the running of your PowerShell script.        

3.    Click on the Actions tab and click on New.

Action: Start a program

Program/script: Powershell.exe

You don't need to put a path as it should already be on your system.

4.    First you need to set the ExecutionPolicy. You have two options here, you can set the ExecutionPolicy on the machine or you can do it on a per-script basis.

To set the execution policy globally, you can issue this command from within PowerShell:

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted

      However, here we want to set the execution policy on a per script basis and open up security for us to run the script. This security policy will only be in effect for the script we are running and not compromise security otherwise.

That means we use the following Argument:

-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File “Your Script Path”

Now Action Windows Should look like this.
5.  You can provide conditions and Settings if you need or any requirement.
6. Save and Test

Now you script will run on you selected time or on given interval.

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